Wednesday 28 May 2008

Amazon Day 3 - Where's the monkey

This was our longest day, no siesta so we were really tired when we finally got home and glad of our dinner and beds...I think we flaked out at about 9 o'clock!!

It started with a game of spot the monkey...we were searching out Pygmy Monkeys...the smallest in the world. It took some fun and games with binoculars and a camera to capture an decent image but I think you will agree that they are quite cool. See if you can spot them?

Mini Monkey

Once we had enough of this fun sport we were off for a spot of Piranha fishing, all of the normal jokes about using the gringos for bait etc came out before we cast our rods into the shallows around the lake near the lodge. I say rods, they were more like long sticks with a bit of fishing wire attached and a hook with some steak on the end. We were assured that despite this low technology option and the fact that there were so many places for the little critters to feed we should be able to snag at least one!!

After a while the guide said that we should move as the spot we were fishing in didn't look much good...we thought it may have been an idea to assess this before spending 30 mins there...although it could have been something to do with the continuous chatting and general goofing about. After the 2nd, 3rd and 4th spots were also found to be barren fish wise we decided to call it a day and move on and see if we could find some luck later.

We stopped for a spot of picnic lunch at a local Secoya village where we also got to see and taste the fruit that is the bain of every dieter around the world...the cocoa tastes sweet and soury on the outside and once you bite into it (not usually recommended) it is bitter as an English football fan in June!! The great thing about travel is not having to worry about footie at home, we are currently following our new adopted friends at Liga Universitad de Quito who are playing their semi-final Copa Libertadores tonight, suerte amigos!!

Local village

Cath with a bean of all evil

My markings to meet the Shaman - I'm supposed to be a Jaguar...grrr!!

...and Cath the Anaconda!!

Once we had finished lunch it was off to see the Shaman of the tribe to see if he could do something about our fishing problems and to find out about how the community deals with tourism. After a wait for another group to clear out (these medicine men are quite popular you know) we had a guided tour of his garden and a talk through all of the different kinds of herbs and plants used in his rituals including a local viagra for men and women and a drink that will take you from paralysis to saturday night fever in 7 days...I am making light of the situation but he was a very well spoken, personable chap who is off soon to represent the Ecuadorean rainforest at tourism conferences in Germany, Spain and France...bit of a joker too!!

Deep in thought

He looks a little scared doesn't he?

We had a group blessing for our continued travels and after a bit of persuasion he agreed also to ask the gods to provide us with some fish...2 in fact or so he reckoned - this ended up being one the following day and our guide did not want to give up till we had the promised 2 but we assured him the one that got away from Cath's rod should count!!

Like being back at school

The day was rounded of by a decent dinner but not before a dip in the lake and a magnificent sunset that we all tried and failed to photograph...try taking a long exposure photo from a dug out canoe!!

As you can see I have mastered no-handed swimming!

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